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this.instagram.addToken(wdi_front.access_token); if (this.currentKey != image_id) { this.currentKey = image_id; this.reset_comments(); } else { /*open close*/ /*do nothing*/ } }, reset_comments: function () { jQuery('#wdi_load_more_comments').remove(); jQuery('#wdi_added_comments').html(''); //currentImage = wdi_data[this.currentKey]; this.commentCounter = 0; this.media_id = wdi_data[this.currentKey]['id']; this.getAjaxComments(this.currentKey); //this.showComments(currentImage['comments_data']); }, popup_destroyed: function () { this.media_id = ''; this.mediaComments = []; /*all comments*/ this.commentCounter = 0; /* current comments counter**/ this.currentKey = -1; }, //function for dispaying comments showComments: function (comments, count) { if (Object.size(comments) - this.commentCounter - count < 0 || count === undefined) { count = Object.size(comments) - this.commentCounter; } var counter = this.commentCounter; for (i = Object.size(comments) - counter - 1; i >= Object.size(comments) - counter - count; i--) { this.commentCounter++; var commentText = (comments[i]['text']); commentText = this.filterCommentText(commentText); var username = (comments[i]['from']['username']); var profile_picture = (comments[i]['from']['profile_picture']); var singleComment = jQuery('
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' + username + '' + wdi_front.convertUnixDate(comments[i]['created_time']) + '

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Load more

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load more comments

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