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-webkit-transform: scale(0); -moz-transform: scale(0); -ms-transform: scale(0); -o-transform: scale(0); transform: scale(0); } to { visibility: visible; -webkit-transform: scale(1); -moz-transform: scale(1); -ms-transform: scale(1); -o-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } } /* layout specific styles */ /* thumbnails */ /* .wdi_layout_th */ .wdi_layout_th .wdi_feed_container { min-width: 160px; margin: 0 auto; } .wdi_layout_th .wdi_feed_wrapper { margin: 0 auto; } .wdi_layout_th .wdi_header_wrapper { display: inline-table; } .wdi_layout_th .wdi_header_img_wrap, .wdi_users_img_wrap { overflow: hidden; } .wdi_layout_th .wdi_header_text { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .wdi_layout_th .wdi_single_user { display: inline-block; float: left; } .wdi_layout_th .wdi_user_img_wrap { display: inline-block; float: left; /*margin: 0 0 0 -100% !important;*/ position: relative; } .wdi_layout_th .wdi_header_user_text { display: inline-block; float: left; width: 100%; } .wdi_layout_th .wdi_followers, .wdi_layout_th .wdi_posts { display: inline-block; 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transition: all 0.2s ease; } .wdi_layout_th .wdi_load_more_wrap, .wdi_layout_th .wdi_spinner_wrap { display: inline-table; box-sizing: border-box; } .wdi_layout_th .wdi_load_more_wrap_inner, .wdi_layout_th .wdi_spinner_wrap_inner { display: table-row; text-align: center; } .wdi_layout_th .wdi_load_more_text { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .wdi_layout_th .wdi_load_more_text img { float: left; } .wdi_layout_th .wdi_load_more_wrap:hover { cursor: pointer; } .wdi_layout_th .wdi_photo_overlay:hover { cursor: pointer; } .wdi_layout_th .wdi_photo_overlay i { opacity: 1; } .wdi_layout_th .wdi_load_more_container { display: inline-block; } /* masonry */ /* .wdi_layout_ms */ /* image browser */ /* .wdi_layout_ib */ .wdi_layout_ib .wdi_feed_container { min-width: 160px; margin: 0 auto; } .wdi_layout_ib .wdi_feed_wrapper { margin: 0 auto; } .wdi_layout_ib .wdi_header_wrapper { display: inline-table; } .wdi_layout_ib .wdi_header_img_wrap, .wdi_layout_ib .wdi_users_img_wrap { overflow: hidden; 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text-align: center; } .wdi_layout_ib .wdi_load_more_text { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .wdi_layout_ib .wdi_load_more_text img { float: left; } .wdi_layout_ib .wdi_load_more_wrap:hover { cursor: pointer; } .wdi_layout_ib .wdi_photo_overlay:hover { cursor: pointer; } .wdi_layout_ib .wdi_load_more_container { display: inline-block; } /* blog style*/ /* .wdi_layout_bs */ .wdi_embed_frame video{ display: inline-block; } /*reset style */ .wdi_image_container img{ display:inline; }